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Content and formatting:

In general, please use Standard Letter page, font Arial 12, single spacing, all margins 2.5 cm, throughout your article.

The Title and the heading Abstract should be in uppercase, bold, Arial 12.

The headings of the sections Introduction, Materials and methods, etc., should be in uppercase-lowercase, bold, Arial 12. Please leave one blank line above and below a heading.

Sub-Headings should be in uppercase-lowercase, bold, italics, Arial 12; the text that follows should be flushed. Yet, leave a blank line above the sub-heading.

Below we recommend the content of a typical research article. Other types of articles may have a different organization (for instance, a Review article).

Please prepare and save the article file in Word 97-2003. The name of the article file should be as follows:

4ISEBE-Last name Initial of the First Name-Article-Code from the Symposium

For instance, two articles whose corresponding author is Rafael Hernandez-Vera and the Symposium assigned the code numbers 245 and 247 to the accepted Abstracts, should be named in this way:



In this example we chose a corresponding author with a compounded last name, by purpose, because this is the most common case in Mexico and Latin America.

Please check a Sample Article in the web page. It is already in Word 97-2003  and you can use it as a template to write your own article on it.


Please keep it short and meaningful. Uppercase letters, bold, centered, size 12. Title at the top. Leave a blank line.

Last name, First name (number for affiliation), semicolon separation, for each author.

Use uppercase-lowercase, Arial size 12, centered, single spacing. Please write the name of the Presenting Author in bold and italics. Write a star at the right of the name of the Corresponding Author. Leave a blank line.

Affiliations (addresses)
(Number of affiliation). Name of the Institution or Company, Address, City, Country. Size 10, Arial 10,
single spacing, left justification.

Leave a blank line before the Abstract.


Write title Abstract in uppercase, bold Arial 12, left justification.

For the text of the abstract, please paste the accepted abstract. However, modifications to the abstract can be accepted as long as they improve or update the previous summary.

Avoid the "narrative" type of Abstract. Abstracts with a strong commercial slant or bias will be rejected. If your contribution was accepted, it is most likely that it is free from these errors.

Do not exceed one page, preferably 350 - 400 words maximum. Use Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, single spacing, full justification.

If your article is in Spanish or Portuguese, then your article should contain the Abstract in the original language and a version of the Abstract in English, mandatorily.

Leave one blank line before the key words.

Key words
Write up to 6 key words, in alphabetical order. Start with subtitle in bold, colon, keywords in nrmal font. See example below

Key words: keyword 1, keyword 2, ….., keyword 6

Please be aware that compound key words can be accepted, for instance anaerobic digestion microbial fuel cells

A compound key words stands for one key word.

Use Arial 12, normal, lowercase, left justification, single-spacing. Leave one blank line before starting the Introduction.

If your key words are in Spanish or Portuguese, then you should provide also the key words in English, mandatorily.

Please note that the Editors could modify the key words submitted by the Authors.

Subtitle in bold, Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, left justification. No period at the end of the subtitle

Please state the background, relevance/contribution/issue addressed by the paper, and end with clear objective(s) of your work.

Text in regular Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, full justification, single-spacing. Leave one blank line.

Materials and methods
Subtitle in bold, Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, left justification. No period at the end of the subtitle

Specify clearly the experimental design (variables, response variables, controls, type of experiment, etc.) as well as the reactors or the physical experimental units.

Specify the scale of your work, lab, pilot or full scale.

State the monitoring program followed in your research as well as all the methods and procedures used in your work. Please keep in mind that methods and procedures should be sufficiently detailed for warranting the repeatability of the experiments.

Text in regular Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, full justification, single-spacing.

Leave one blank line.

Results and discussion
Subtitle in bold, Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, left justification. No period at the end of the subtitle.

We prefer one section ‘Results and discussion’ rather than separate sections ‘Results’ followed by ‘Discussion’. Please check the consistency between the objectives and the results shown. Also, the experimental design should be congruent with Results.

Please check carefully the quality as well as the significance of Figures and Tables that depict results.

If you present data in a Figure do not repeat the same data in a Table.

Please check that results are shown with the appropriate statistical analysis (standard deviations, statistical significance, correlation coefficient value when dealing with linear regression, determination coefficient when dealing with multiple regression, table of analysis of variance whenever there is a statistical experimental design, etc.).

Discuss your results in the light of the international literature and reports. Please try to end the section with a statement on the contribution/significance of the findings in your work.

Text in regular Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, full justification, single-spacing.

Leave one blank line.

Subtitle in bold, Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, left justification. No period at the end of the subtitle.

Please check with consistency between results and conclusions. Please do not “overconclude”, i.e., to make statements beyond those that the results can support.

Bullets can be used in this section.

Text in regular Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, full justification, single-spacing.

Leave one blank line.

Subtitle in bold, Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, left justification. No period at the end of the subtitle.

State the appropriate recognition to Institutions, Agencies and persons that contributed to your work.

Text in regular Arial 12, uppercase-lowercase, full justification, single-spacing.

Leave one blank line.

References should be listed in alphabetical order by last name. Do not use references systems based on numbers.

In the text, cite by Last name et al. (year) with only the first author last name, without any initials and without first names.

In the Reference list, cite in alphabetical order by Last Name as mentioned above. In the References list, please write all the authors of an opus, not just the first author.

Use hanging paragraph (sangria Francesa, in Spanish) with 1 cm indentation, Arial 10, full justification, single spacing.

Other recommendations:

Names of the journals in italics.

Titles of books in italics

Names of biological species in italics everywhere.

When citing a web site, please report the date of Accession by the Authors in the References list.

A few examples follow

Articles in journals:
Baghchehsaraee, B.; Nakhla, G.; Karamanev, D.; Margaritisk, A. (2009). Effect of extrinsic lactic acid on fermentative hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen  Energy. 34: 2473-2579.
Bocchini, D.A.; Alves-Prado, H.F.; Baida, L.C.; Roberto, I.C.; Gomes, E.; Silva, R.D. (2002). Optimization of xylanase production by Bacillus circulans D1 in submerged fermentation using response surface methodology. Process Biochemistry. 38: 727-731.

Montgomery, D.C. (1991). Design and analysis of experiments. 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons, NY.

Book with Editor(s) or Compiler(s):
Robledo-Narváez, P.; Escamilla-Alvarado, C.; Ponce-Noyola, M.T.; Poggi-Varaldo, H.M. (2008).
Biohydrogen from wastes and combination of biological processes for energy yield improvement: a review. In: Sastre-Conde, I.; Macarie, H. (Eds.). Book of Abstracts of the the Third International Meeting in Environmental Biotechnology Engineering. pp. 130, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Technical report:
INEGI (2009). Statistical yearbook of the United States of Mexico (in Spanish). National Geography Institute, Mexico.

Proceedings from a Congress or Symposium:
Escamilla-Alvarado, C.; Ponce-Noyola, M.T.; Poggi-Varaldo, H.M. (2010). Energetic potential of two-stage hydrogenesis-methanogenesis fermentation of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste.
Proceedings of the 14th International Biotechnology Symposium, Rimini, Italy, 2010.

Web page:
SEMARNAT (2011).; accessed 22 January 2011.

We recommend to include a Table of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols used in the paper. It should be in alphabetical order. Please see an example below

acidogenic solid substrate anaerobic digestion
series process, hydrogen fermentation followed by a methanogenic stage
mass retention time
organic fraction of the municipal solid waste
Greek characters
parameter alpha, i.e., the ratio between intermediate alkalinity to partial alkalinity
removal efficiency of volatile solids

Figure caption below the figure, left justification, bold. FIGURE in uppercase bold, the remainder of the caption in uppercase-lower case, bold, Arial 12.

Number Figures with Arabic numbers. Very important: Please check that the number corresponds to the order of citation in the article.

Please check that each Figure entirely fits in one page (i.e., that the Table is not divided between two different pages), including the caption and the keys in the caption. This is achieved by using Return in the previous page and copy the Figure as fresh start in the next page.

 If your figure has two cadres or more, please label each cadres with large bold lowercase letters a, b, c, etc., on the right or the left of each cadre. Please check that each cadre is explained in the Figure caption.

The Table title should be placed at the top of the Table, centered, bold, Arial 12. TABLE in uppercase, the remainder of the title in uppercase-lowercase.

Do not use lines for subdividing cells in Tables, unless necessary because the Table depicts results from several variables. Only draw two horizontal lines for the headings of
the Table and one horizontal line at the end of the Table.

Number tables with Arabic numbers. Very important: Please check that the number corresponds to the order of citation in the article.

Please check that the Table entirely fits in one page (i.e., that the Table is not divided between two different pages). This is achieved by using Return in the previous page and
copy the Table as fresh start in the next page.

If you need to write footnotes use superscript Arabic, lowercase letters a, b, c, etc.

Presentation: In another page after the article, please state the type of presentation recommended by the Symposium, either oral (platform) or poster. This mode could be different to that requested by the Authors at the time of submitting the Abstract.

Detailed List of authors: In the same second page after the abstract, please include complete address, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers of ALL CO-AUTHORS.

Languages: Official languages of the event are Spanish, English, and Portuguese. If you choose English for your Abstract and articles and the English is not your native language, ask for a review by a native English speaker for correct English syntax, style, and spelling, before sending the Abstract (all grammatical errors will be responsibility of
the authors).

Please note that if your article is written in Spanish or Portuguese, the article should include as well versions of the Abstract and Key words in English, mandatorily.

Submission: Articles must be submitted by e-mail to

Care of
Prof. Elvira Ríos-Leal or Dr. Héctor M. Poggi-Varaldo
CINVESTAV-IPN, Dept. of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, P.O. Box 14-740, Mexico DF, 07000, Mexico.

If you plan to send any document by a private carrier, please use the street address as follows:
Dr. Héctor M. Poggi-Varaldo
Department: Biotechnology and Bioengineering Institution:
Street: Av IPN 2508, Col San Pedro Zacatenco
City: Mexico City
State: DF
Zip code: 07360
Country: MEXICO
Telephone: 52(55) 5747-3800 ext. 4324 and ext. 4336
Facsimile: 52(55) 5747-3313

Submit your abstract

Important Dates
Deadline / Fecha límite
Abstracts submission / Recepción de abstracts
June 28th , 2014
Notification of acceptance / placement
July 15th, 2014
Submission deadline of articles for the proceedings publication
in the electronic book
July 30th, 2014
Submission papers for award competition
July 30th, 2014

Submit your abstract



2nd Announcement and call for abstract
Copyright 2025 DotNetNuke Corporation | Política de privacidad y manejo de datos personales

Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco,
Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, México D.F. Código Postal 07360
Apartado Postal: 14-740, 07000 México, D.F.
Tel: +52 (55) 5747 3800
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