Several competitions will be held at the 4ISEBE. Review criteria will be originality of the work, significance of results, and clarity of data presentation and discussion.
Best Presentations
All in extenso papers submitted before July 30, 2014, will be reviewed by a Committee of experts and up to five winning papers in each category will be selected. The
competitions are named after outstanding Mexican Professors of Environmental Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology
"Professor Salvador Ayanegui-Jaritz", Award to the Best Presentations in Environmental Engineering
"Professor Carlos Casas-Campillo", Award to the Best Presentations in Environmental Biotechnology
Best Graduate Thesis
Students and Graduate Advisors are encouraged to submit a letter of presentation and significance along with either
-three bound copies of the Thesis, or
-3 CDs containing the Thesis, or
-send the documents’ files by email to (whenever the gmail server does not reject the Thesis file because of large size), or
-upload to Dropbox the files of the Graduate Thesis. If you choose the Dropbox option please keep in touch with us at to send the link and guarantee the
downloading process.
The years of graduation should be 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 up to 15/June/2014. The competitions are named after outstanding Mexican Professors of Environmental Engineering and Environmental Biotechnology. The Theses may be written in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish.
The categories are “Environmental Biotechnology” and “Environmental Engineering”. One M. Sc. and one Ph.D. thesis will be selected for each category.
"Dr. Ubaldo Bonilla-Domínguez", Award to the Best Graduate Thesis in Environmental Engineering (one doctoral and one Master thesis)
"Professor Vicente López-Mercado", Award to the Best Graduate Thesis in Environmental Biotechnology (one doctoral and one Master thesis)
All awards will be presented to the awardees in a special ceremony during the Symposium.
The letters of application to the Award Competition as well as the Theses should be submitted by July 30, 2014.
Please send the documents to: Prof. Elvira Ríos-Leal or Dr. Héctor M. Poggi-Varaldo, CINVESTAV-IPN, Dept. of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, P.O.Box 14-740, Mexico DF, 07000, Mexico;